What is the difference between the weigth, and mass? What are inertia, and kinetic energy – and how are they related to mass and velocity?
Science and theory related videos
Bolted connection and tightening torque basics
How do bolted connection (nuts & bolts) actually work? What is thread pitch? Why is the optimal preload important and how it helps reduce the strain on bolts?
Torque and power – basics explained
What is the difference between the power and the torque? How are they related?
Power (physics) basics explained
What is power (physical term, Watts)? What are the force [N], energy [J], and work [J] – and how are they related to power [W]?
Battery capacity and voltage explained
id: 1213
What is the difference between battery voltage [V], and capacity [Ah]. Short circuit, parallel vs serial connections etc.
Electricity, voltage, current, battery capacity etc. explained
Electricity basics explained: voltage [V], resistance [Ω] current [A], and electric power [W]
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