How I’ve replaced batteries on my APC Back-UPS 1600VA BX1600MI-GR.
Offical APC battery model: APC RBC17
Battery model I used: WP1236W Long F2
Aritcle about UPS battery replacement, and a relevant BikeGremlin forum thread.
Computer, Internet and other IT releated topics
How I’ve replaced batteries on my APC Back-UPS 1600VA BX1600MI-GR.
Offical APC battery model: APC RBC17
Battery model I used: WP1236W Long F2
Aritcle about UPS battery replacement, and a relevant BikeGremlin forum thread.
PC (computer) case air flow and cooling explained – the basics. Is positive air pressure better than negative air pressure?
Sony MDR-7506 headphones review – how happy am I with these headphones (I use for video editing mostly)?
How happy am I with the CompuCleaner Xpert Electric Air Duster – that I use for keeping my PC case clean of dust?
Some general PC (computer) building advice, component choice, and (now obsolete) best-buy options for the year 2022.
How to install, secure, and configure WordPress.
How to configure your DNS (and email client) to work with the MXroute email service?
How to set up and configure Cloudflare DNS and firewall (for WordPress)?
How to configure and secure your shared/reseller web hosting account (for WordPress)?
How to securely find a free Internet domain, how to register and secure your domain?
How to install and use Authy 2FA application (it sucks now)?
How to create secure passwords and how to securely store them (no way to memorize them all nowadays)?
How to find the cycling and mechanics related information on the Internet?
The camera tripod I use for making YouTube videos – Hama Star 63
How I filter and edit audio levels for YouTube videos using DaVinci Resolve
I got a ring light that can run on batteries. The unboxing and assembly
A now obsolete way to transfer big files from iPhone to a PC
How to easily, “automatically” sync audio and video using the free, open source Kdenlive video editing software. See here about audio editing using DaVinci Resolve Studio.
How to register a domain for your website – and how to keep it secure?
The story about the BikeGremlin website redesign
WordPreses WooCommerce web-shop SEO 101 explained
The video and audio recording equipment and lighting I use for making my YouTube videos
Some notes on computer (IT, Internet) security – and personal & property security in general
Please use the forum for any comments or questions.
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